Client Consent Forms
Before a client’s information can be entered into ARIES, the client must sign the ARIES Client Share/Non-Share Consent Form, and indicate whether the client wishes to be a share or non-share client by checking the appropriate box on the form. All providers need to keep a signed consent form for all their ARIES clients, whether the client is shared with another agency or not. Additionally, providers should have clients sign a new ARIES consent form every three years or whenever clients change their share status.
The forms are available in both English and Spanish.
- ARIES Client Share/Non-Share Consent Form (CDPH 8693) (PDF)
- Formulario de Consentimiento del Cliente: ARIES Compartir/No Compartir (CDPH 8693) (PDF)
Some California counties have adopted a Local Share Mandate (LSM), requiring their clients to share their ARIES data. Providers located in San Bernardino/Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, or Santa Clara Counties should not use the ARIES Client Share/Non-Share Consent Form posted above. Instead providers should contact their county Administrative Agency (i.e., health department) to obtain a customized, county-specific consent form. These forms will have “LSM 8693 (7/10)” in the lower left-hand corner.
Staff User Forms
In order to allow an agency staff person access to ARIES, the supervisor and staff person must complete the ARIES User Registration Form. The form is designed so the user can type in their information and then print it ready for signatures.
- ARIES User Registration Form (CDPH 8692) (PDF)
Be sure to indicate which of the ARIES applications the staff person will need access to: ARIES Client (the primary application), ARIES Report/Export (a sophisticated ad-hoc reporting tool), or ARIES Import (to be used to import non-ARIES data into ARIES).
Most providers will need access to the ARIES client application. If this application is checked, then the agency must determine the appropriate User Group Role for each staff person, and indicate this role on each User Registration Form. It is the User Group Role and its associated permissions that determines what screens and data elements that user has authority to view, change, create, and deactivate.
Once the ARIES User Registration Form is completed, fax it to the appropriate agency listed in the document below (see page 2).
- ARIES Policy Notice A1 (PDF)
ARIES Policy Notices
ARIES Policy Notices (APN) outline policies, procedures, and other requirements for administrative agencies and service providers to observe when using ARIES. All APN’s can be found here:
Data Collection Forms
Providers must collect and enter data about their clients and services provided into ARIES. These data will be used to evaluate program effectiveness and conduct compliance monitoring, as well as be included in federal reporting. For a list of all required data elements, please refer to the documents below.
- HCP Minimum Dataset (PDF)
- HOPWA Minimum Dataset (PDF)
Brochures and Information Documents for Clients
When discussing with a client whether to share or not share their information with other ARIES providers they receive services from, it is useful to highlight the pros and cons of sharing. The following document can be used to assist in this discussion, and is available in both English and Spanish.
- ARIES Information Brochure for Clients (PDF)
- ARIES Information Brochure for Clients – en Espanol (PDF)
This document is available in both English and Spanish and provides an in-depth description of information sharing in ARIES. Both clients and providers should review this document for a better understanding of the share/non-share concept.
- Share/Non-Share Client/Provider Information Document (PDF)
- Share/Non-Share Client/Provider Information Document – en Espanol (PDF)
ARIES Service Hierarchy
When setting up your contracts within ARIES, it is important to note the units attached to each service category. OA has developed standardized units of service for application in all contracts. These standardized units will be imposed within ARIES for each primary and secondary service (and in turn passed down to the Agency subservice). Below is the ARIES Service Hierarchy defining the standardized units for each service category. In addition, the Service Hierarchy shows how your service will be reported in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR). Items with “False” in the isShared column are not shared outside the agency of origin, even for shared clients.
Needs Assessment Configuration File
The Needs Assessment configuration file (below) controls the dropdown values on the ARIES Needs Assessment, Care Plan, and Referral screens. Items with “False” in the isShared column are not shared outside the agency of origin, even for shared clients.